dart 語言支援大數(BigInt)的四則運算,且又能將運算元重新定義運算規則(operator overload),而且 dart 在 2.7 版以後支援了 extension 語法, 可以自行添加方法到 BigInt 上, 簡直如虎添翼,因此驗證 ECC(橢圓曲線密碼學) 的數位簽證演算法(ECDSA)就容易多了:
// main.dart to verify ECDSA
import 'dart:math';
BigInt random(BigInt m) {
BigInt temp = BigInt.from(0);
int bits = m.bitLength;
while (bits > 0) {
temp = temp << 8 | BigInt.from(Random(DateTime.now( ).microsecondsSinceEpoch).nextInt(255));
bits -= 8;
return temp % m;
extension Divider4ECDSA on BigInt { // a method .__ to operate / % m
BigInt __(BigInt divisor, BigInt m) => this * divisor.modInverse(m) % m;
class ModField {
BigInt _value;
BigInt get value => _value;
int get mostbits => _value.bitLength - 1;
static BigInt _prime;
BigInt get p {
if(_prime == null) _prime = BigInt.parse("115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007908834671663");
return _prime;
static BigInt parse(var temp) =>
temp is ModField ? temp._value :
temp is String ? BigInt.parse(temp):
temp is num ? BigInt.from(temp) :
temp is BigInt ? temp : BigInt.zero;
bool testbit(int k) => _value >> k & BigInt.one == BigInt.one;
bool operator ==(var other) => _value == parse(other)
bool operator < (var other) => _value < parse(other);
bool operator > (var other) => _value > parse(other);
ModField operator ^ (int exponent) => ModField(_value.pow(exponent));
ModField operator + (var other) => ModField(_value + parse(other));
ModField operator - (var other) => ModField(_value - parse(other));
ModField operator * (var other) => ModField(_value * parse(other));
ModField operator %(var other) => ModField(_value % parse(other));
ModField operator / (var other) => ModField(_value*parse(other).modInverse(p));
ModField (var temp) {
_value = parse(temp) % p;
if (_value < BigInt.zero) _value = _value + p;
class Secp256k1 { // y^2 = x^3 + 7 mod p, ECC order number= GFn
ModField n, x, y;
bool get isPoint => y^2 == (x^3) + 7;
Secp256k1(var temp) {
if (temp is Secp256k1) { // copy constructor
n = temp.n;
x = temp.x;
y = temp.y;
} else {
n = ModField(temp);
x = ModField("55066263022277343669578718895168534326250603453777594175500187360389116729240");
y = ModField("32670510020758816978083085130507043184471273380659243275938904335757337482424");
if(n > 1) {
_selfMul(n);// 1 Gn(x, y)
n = ModField(1);
Secp256k1._point(gx, gy) {
n = ModField(1);
x = ModField(gx);
y = ModField(gy);
factory Secp256k1.G([var gx=0, var gy = 0]) {
if(gy == 0) return Secp256k1(1);
final temp = Secp256k1._point(gx, gy);
return temp.isPoint ? temp : Secp256k1(1);
Secp256k1 get _selfX2 { // point doubler
final px = x;
final s = (x^2) * 3 / (y*2); // s = 3*x*x / 2y
x = (s^2) - x*2; // x = s*s - 2x
y = s * (px - x) - y; // y = s * (px - x) - py
return this;
Secp256k1 _selfAdd(ModField gx, ModField gy, {gn = 1}) { // point adder
if (x == gx) n = ModField(0);
else if (n == 0) {
x = gx;
y = gy;
n = ModField(gn);
} else {
final s = (y - gy) / (x - gx);
x = (s^2) - x - gx; // s*s - x - gx
y = s*(gx - x) - gy; // s(gx -x) - gy
return this;
Secp256k1 _selfMul(ModField multiplier) {// point scale by DAA
if (multiplier > 1) {
var bits = multiplier.mostbits;
final gx = x;
final gy = y;
while (bits-- > 0) {
if (multiplier.testbit(bits)) _selfAdd(gx, gy);
return this;
get dump => print("${n.value} G(${x.value},${y.value})");
static BigInt _order;
get GFn {
if(_order == null) _order = BigInt.parse("115792089237316195423570985008687907852837564279074904382605163141518161494337");
return _order;
operator + (Secp256k1 Q) => Secp256k1.G(x, y)._selfAdd(Q.x, Q.y);
operator * (var scale) => Secp256k1.G(x, y)._selfMul(ModField(scale));
List<BigInt> signECDSA(BigInt d, BigInt z) { // use key d to sign z, % use GFn
final BigInt k = random(GFn);
final BigInt r = Secp256k1(k).x.value; // r = G.x
final BigInt s = (z + r * d) .__ (k, GFn); // s = (z + r * d)/k % GFn
return [z, r, s];
bool checkECDSA(List<BigInt> signature) {
if(signature.length < 3) return false;
final BigInt z = signature[0];
final BigInt r = signature[1];
final BigInt s = signature[2];
final BigInt u = z .__ (s, GFn); // u = z/s % GFn;
final BigInt v = r .__ (s, GFn); // v = z/s % GFn;
final Secp256k1 R = Secp256k1.G( )*u + Secp256k1.G(x, y)*v;
return R.x == r;
main( ){
final text = BigInt.from(123);// 待簽字
final secret = BigInt.from(123456789); // 私鑰
final qPublic = Secp256k1(secret); // 公鑰
final signature = qPublic.signECDSA(secret, text);// 用 ECDSA 簽證文字產生特徵碼
print( qPublic.isPoint);
print(qPublic.checkECDSA(signature) ? "OK": "Fake!");// 用公鑰驗證特徵碼
執行 dart main.dart 看結果:
1 G(4051293998585674784991639592782214972820158391371785981004352359465450369227 ,